Values of the territory and its excellences seal the success of the event organised by the Consorzio Tutela Vini DOC Colli Piacentini

March 23, 2022
June 10, 2024

The great food and wine heritage of our territory was the undisputed star of the event held on Friday 18 March on the terrace of the Grande Albergo Roma.

Colli Piacentini DOC, here we sip life - This was the title of the event, which is part of the activities financed by the RDP 2014-2020 Emilia-Romagna Region, type of operation 3.2.01 "Promotion and information activities by groups of producers on domestic markets". The event was addressed to a wide audience of guests with the intention of conveying the profound value of our DOC productions, not only in terms of undisputed quality but also in terms of inseparable link with the territory and its ancient traditions, which makes them unique products in their distinctive features.

An educational and experiential journey that recounted the merits of this important recognition - the denomination of controlled origin - which since 1967 has certified the quality of most of the wines of our territory.

Ortrugo, Malvasia and Gutturnio - authentic expressions of Piacenza's winemaking identity - were the wines involved in the evening, whose production and processing methods, types, organoleptic characteristics, versatility of consumption and potential in terms of pairing with food were illustrated.

Theexpert oenologist Giovanni Derba led the entire training session, conveying how the strong link between DOC production and the natural environment and human factors that characterise the area is a distinctive element of the profound value that makes our DOC wines excellent and recognised by high standards of certified quality.

For the demonstration and product tasting part, a combination with the three PDO products of Piacenza's charcuterie industry was chosen.

Thanks to the creations of chefs Elena and Paco of De Smart Kitchen, DOC Colli Piacentini Malvasia was presented in combination with poached egg and Pancetta Piacentina DOP, while DOC Gutturnio was served with potato cappellacci enriched with Coppa Piacentina DOP.

"We have a great value to promote, spread and preserve," explained Marco Profumo, President of the Consorzio Tutela Vini DOC Colli Piacentini, who opened the evening by thanking the many guests . "The synergies between Consortia, Institutions, Associations and producers are the key to structuring actions and projects that aim to promote the transversal values that distinguish the precious resources of our territory.

The director of the Consortium for the Protection of PDO Piacentini Salumi, Roberto Belli, who was among those attending the event together with President Antonio Grossetti, also spoke of the synergy and sharing of promotion objectives. "This is not the first time that the culinary and wine excellence of our territory has come together to give voice to a land that contains a real heritage to be preserved," said director Belli .we thank the Consortium for the Protection of Colli Piacentini DOC Wines for organising this event, which represented a new and important opportunity to spread awareness of the wine and food value of our territory."

Theevent, which was exclusive and by invitation only, was very well attended: the city's institutions were present, represented by the Mayor Patrizia Barbieri, the Regional Councillor for Agriculture Alessio Mammi and the European Commission's Chief Advisor - Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development Diego Canga Fano.

"On behalf of the Consortium, I would also like to extend a special thank you to those who give value to our land through constant commitment and work." With these words, President Marco Profumo addresses all the producers , "despite the major challenges they face every day, they know how to convey, through their products, the unrepeatable value of a territory to be savoured in every experience".

An important opportunity, therefore, that marks the beginning of a path aimed at investing more and more in training and information activities on the merits of our DOC productions; a tool for spreading the quality and transversal values of our territory, whose excellence is recognised by the high quality standards of Europe, whose objectives and founding value themes they share and promote.