On the eve of the new year, the objectives of enhancing the territory are renewed

June 10, 2024

"2021 was an intense year, in which the desire to restart guided us in the choice of actions aimed at restoring the value of our territory, both in terms of natural and human resources". This is how Marco Profumo, President of the Consorzio di Tutela Vini DOC Colli Piacentini, describes the balance of the year that is drawing to a close and defines the objectives for 2022.

"In October 2020 the Consortium shared and presented to the Region a project for the promotion and enhancement of the product, an opportunity to tell the story and make known a territory in which food and wine production is rooted in ancient traditions that have been handed down from generation to generation, a heritage that blends with the continuous drive towards innovation and sustainability and becomes excellence".

The President of the Consortium explains how the decision to adopt a new communication plan launched with the project was not only a means of renewing the image of the Consortium, but also represents the driving force for acquiring an awareness of the values of the territory, first and foremost on the part of those who live in the territory, the associations and institutions that support and sustain the actions to protect the heritage that characterises it and makes it unique.

"This year the Consortium wanted to give a tangible sign of how deeply it believes in the enormous potential of our territory ," continues Marco Profumo .commitment and perseverance of all the producers and winemakerswhich every year face important challenges and contribute to making the Colli Piacentini wine production known and appreciated. was the driving force behind our decision to invest in the quality of communication that would be a synthesis of all the core values of the area. But that's not all. Precisely by involving our producers and giving voice to their needs we have also planned and launched the process of updating and modifying the production specifications of both DOC and IGT Piacentine."

This modernisation project, which is supported by the prestigious University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo and the Catholic University of Piacenza, is one of the actions aimed at supporting the activities of producers and resolving agronomic, oenological and legal difficulties and uncertainties relating to typical products.

"We close this 2021 with the awareness of having contributed to laying the foundations for an important growth in terms of recognition of the value of our wine production," concludes Marco Profumo. "On behalf of the entire Consortium, I would like to extend a special wish for a happy holiday and a happy new year to those who support our valleys through their work - producers and winemakers - and to all those who choose the quality of our products every day, as an expression of the authenticity and depth of the values of our territory.