New horizons for Piacenza's lands and wines

June 15, 2021
June 10, 2024

The Consorzio Vini DOC Colli Piacentini would like to thank all its members for the example of cooperation and pride in our products that this initiative is setting.

The great success of the month dedicated to Malvasia di Candia Aromatica is told by all the spontaneous initiatives that are multiplying on the part of all the players in the wine supply chain, from restaurateurs to producers to simple enthusiasts and institutions.

This is the strength of our area: the ability to concert a united planning; together with the historic food and wine culture of which we are the custodians, a precious heritage to be proud of and capable of being a driving lever for the entire Piacenza area.

Our Malvasia di Candia Aromatica is a unique product, which, in its multifacetedness, is able to evoke great emotions, certainly deserves the attention it is getting, both in Piacenza's land and far beyond our borders, and is a worthy representative of the beauty of our valleys.

It is no coincidence that it was decided to start with you, but, the success of this first month, certainly deserves to be replicated by promoting our other wines as well, and the Consortium is already making itself available to producers and restaurateurs to support and promote other initiatives.

The new initiatives that the Colli Piacentini DOC Wines Consortium is presenting, both in terms of communication and in terms of reasoning about the specifications, are complementary to initiatives like this one; collaboration with other consortia, institutions and our companies is definitely our priority.

We are aware of the need for a repositioning of our products: which cannot but start from listening to the territory, the vintners and winemakers who give luster to the more than six thousand hectares of vineyards in Piacenza, it is necessary to have specific attention not only to how the wine is made, but also how it is presented and communicated. All these goals can surely be reconciled in the journey that has just begun.

The extensive consultation among all Piacenza producers, which the Consortium is promoting, to understand how and where the specifications currently in use can be improved and where they even deserve to be innovated, is, surely, an example of this participatory activity, and could be an opportunity for our Malvasia di Candia Aromatica as well.

It is precisely for this reason that we hope this strength of participation and pride demonstrated by restaurateurs, bars and operators in general can become an example and stimulus for the entire sector. At this moment in history, more than ever, we have the opportunity and responsibility to be united to grow our beautiful area.