Consortium of DOC Wines: "One is born Piacentine, one becomes proud".

June 10, 2024
The 2021 harvest overcomes the challenges of climate change thanks to the investments, commitment and passion of the winegrowers.

"The numbers speak for themselves. This year's harvest records a smaller quantity of product, but the quality is excellent, beyond all expectations. Very healthy grapes, arrived at the right ripeness, characterizes a harvest that proved difficult due to the important challenges related to climate change that our producers had to face," is how the President of the Consortium for the Protection of Colli Piacentini DOC Wines Marco Profumo illustrates the first data of a vintage that wins on quality.

The important synergies activated on the ground and adherence to an approach that makes sustainability its strong point have made all the difference.

In the face of the great changes taking place, the efforts of producers and winemakers have led to great results. A heartfelt, shared commitment that has involved a greater investment of means and resources that deserves to be recognized.

The Consortium is spearheading a message that values important economic investment, conservation and optimization of the area's wine production. Producers, institutions and associations have set themselves the common goal of countering the challenges related to climate change, which have put a strain on the successful harvest of recent years.

The Consortium has taken significant action to enhance and promote the area, aware of the value of the resources that characterize it and make it unique.

In return, there was an important signal of response from the area, an awareness of its potential in terms of product quality and authenticity of an experience, which is worth sharing.

Tradition, authenticity, and innovation are the levers that lead the DOC wine production of the Colli Piacentini to differentiate itself more and more in the national and international scene.

Supporting the area means recognizing the inestimable value of its natural and human resources, of which the Consortium can only be proud.