Excellent success for Farnese splendor dinner with Colli Piacentini DOC wines

March 7, 2024
June 10, 2024

It was a success the Dinner of the Farnese splendors held on Wednesday, March 6, in the Anticamera delTrono at the Civic Museums of Palazzo Farnese, as part of the event "Inverno Farnesiano," which offers a rich program of collateral events to the exhibition "I Fasti di Elisabetta Farnese. Portrait of a Queen." In a setting of rare beauty, a fascinating marriage of taste was celebrated between the flavors of the territory and the DOC wines of the Colli Piacentini represented by the Castello di Luzzano and Mossi1558 (Malvasia di Candia Aromatica ferma) wineries, Il Ghizzo and Cantina di Vicobarone (Gutturnio frizzante), Fratelli Piacentini and La Ciocca (Gutturnio fermo), Perini&Perini and Cantine Casabella (Malvasia di Candia Aromatica dolce) and served by sommeliers from Ais Piac enza and Fisar Piacenza.

Offering an exceptional menu based on ancient local recipes reinterpreted in a contemporary key were chefs Matteo Castignoli (Antica Trattoria dell'Angelo) and Paolo Castiglia (Castiglia Restaurant), whose dishes were served by students fromPiacenza's G. Marcora Hotel Institute. A combination of flavors and professional excellence made in Piacenza that made it possible to support a good cause, as part of the evening's proceeds went to the association La Matita Parlante, which every day enhances the talents of autistic children through paths of social and labor inclusion.