Pianello celebrates sparkling wines in the fourth stage of the Valtidone Wine Fest

June 10, 2024

The Valtidone Wine Fest 2021, the event created to promote the wines and typical products of our territory, will be held for the fourth time on Sunday 26 September in Pianello. As per tradition, it will be joined by the Sagra Patronale di San Maurizio and Pianello Frizzante.

After Ortrugo, Malvasia and Passiti, protagonists respectively of the Borgonovo, Ziano and Nibbiano stages, the Pianello stage, which will close the 12th edition of the event, will be dedicated to sparkling wines and in particular to Gutturnio, the king of Piacenza's red wines.

"We deeply believe in the importance of promoting and supporting moments and occasions that can give value to our territory," explains the President of the Consorzio di Tutela Vini DOC Colli Piacentini Marco Profumo,

‍"This year more than ever, the Consortium wanted to send a strong signal of restart, confidence and, above all, awareness of the resources of an area that has so much to tell. With us, life is sipped, is the message that sums up our new communication plan and that aims to put the unique territory of the Colli Piacentini at the center of the visitor's experiential journey."

Value to the land, therefore, but also recognition of the commitment, care and dedication of the producers who are its beating engine.

The Wine Consortium will be present in Pianello as the spokesperson for the wine production of the entire Colli Piacentini area, involving producers and wineries not only from Val Tidone, but also from the other three valleys - Val Trebbia, Val Nure and Val d'Arda.

The goal is to accompany visitors on an experiential tasting of wine products representative of the whole territory, enhancing the peculiarities that characterize the different production areas.

An eagerly awaited event, then, that of Pianello, with events and meetings that will animate the entire day, under the banner of taste and the undisputed quality of our food and wine products.