A new specification to seize new opportunities

May 26, 2021
June 10, 2024

DOCs and IGTs protect histories, territories, knowledge: they are precious tools for wine growers and winemakers. However, like every instrument created by man, they too may need maintenance to bring them up to date with the needs of new times, in order to seize new and better opportunities.

For all these reasons, the Consortium for the Protection of Colli Piacentini DOC intends to promote a broad consultation, to map all the areas for improvement, and innovation, of the specifications currently in use. This will not be a consultation among experts or a few intimates, but rather an unprecedented effort to listen to the territory: starting, as is only logical, with the vintners and winemakers who bring luster to the more than six thousand hectares of Piacenza vineyards.

In the coming weeks a questionnaire will be distributed, made with the support of the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, which was involved in this brainstorming to also bring the opportunity for a comparison of ideas: to then be discussed, results in hand, at the next consortium assembly. Thus will begin, if such is the desire of the women and men of Piacenza wine, the work of fine-tuning, correcting, rewriting.

There are no set goals, as they will be defined by those who work the beautiful hills of the Piacenza valleys. What is certain, however, is that in order to succeed in bringing Piacenza wine to the tables of the world, it is necessary to have a specific focus not only on how the wine is made, but also how it is presented and communicated-all goals that can certainly be reconciled in the journey that has just begun. For this reason, in addition to Professor Michele Fino from the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, professors from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Piacenza will also offer their contributions, along with agronomic and oenological technicians who have dedicated years of work and passion to the vines and wines of these lands.

The questionnaire, open to all grape and wine companies, including non-DOC, is available via the web at the following link as early as today:


For those who need help in filling in, Mia Pighi is available with whom you can make an appointment by contacting her at 331 757 14 55, every morning on weekdays.

The compilation will remain open until Wednesday, June 16, and the first results will be discussed in attendance at the members' meeting to be held on July 1 at Bertonazzi Hall at 5 pm. From this first presentation, meetings in the area open to all wineries will follow.