
Since 1986, the synthesis of the values, traditions and history of an area where the taste for life has always been captured.


The Consorzio Tutela Vini DOC Colli Piacentini (Consortium for the Protection of Colli Piacentini DOC Wines) was founded in 1986 on the initiative of Piacenza producers who believed it was important to work together to promote local wines with a designation of origin. The aim of promotion, enhancement and protection is to raise and safeguard the image of Piacenza's excellent DOC wines.

The Consortium for the Protection of Colli Piacentini DOC Wines is now a body recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry as the only body proposing legislation in the field of production disciplinary and relates to the same Mipaaf and the Emilia Romagna Region for this purpose.

Among its competences, the promotion and valorisation of the Denominazioni di Origine (Denomination of Origin) protected by it in order to guarantee the value of the DOC brand and the territory of Piacenza - and consequently stimulate the market.
In addition, the Consortium has the task of supervising the DOC brand products placed on the market in order to verify, by sampling, that the products on the shelves comply with the characteristics and conditions imposed by the respective production specifications.

The Consortium's activities are reported twice a year to the Mipaaf - Department of Comparative Policies of Food Quality, Directorate General for Promotion and Fraud Prevention.

The Ministry, after verification and compliance of the data provided, decrees the continuity and legitimacy of the Consortium.

Organization chart


Marco Profumo

Vice Presidents
  • Giuseppe Gaddilastri
  • Stefano Pizzamiglio
  • Chiara Azzali
  • Mariolina Bottazzi
  • Patrizio Campana
  • Massimiliano Croci
  • Giovanna Fugazza
  • Giuseppe Gaddilastri
  • Pietro Gazzola
  • Paolo Passerini
  • Stefano Pizzamiglio
  • Marco Profumo
  • Davide Valla