Modification of the Production Specifications of Piacenza DOC and IGT - The producers have their say

November 11, 2021
June 10, 2024

Theproduction specifications are the verbal and written expression of the producers in the form of a Decree; in order for the Consorzio Tutela Vini Doc Colli Piacentini to be able to carry out a shared but above all effective task of fine-tuning, correction and rewriting, it is necessary to listen carefully to their requests and needs.

In recent years, the Consortium has had the opportunity to meet with many wine producers in our area, gathering useful information to understand the felt need to update and modify the production regulations for both DOC and IGT wines from Piacenza.

With the support of the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo and thanks to intensive work with a special Commission made up of technicians, agronomists, oenologists and legal advisors operating in the Piacenza area, a questionnaire was drawn up and sent out to wine producers in June.

The responses revealed a real need to modernise the specifications and provided a detailed understanding of the strategic points on which future changes should be agreed.

The time has come to give the producers the floor again to address important issues.

The Consortium has organised a series of meetings open to all producers of the denominations according to this programme:

  • Wednesday 17/11/2021 17.00 - Municipality of Carpaneto Piacentino - Piazza XX Settembre - 29013 Carpaneto Piacentino PC - (Sala Bot- first floor)
  • Wednesday 24/11/2021 17.00 - Centro Civico - Viale Castignoli, 3 - 29020 Vigolzone PC - (Sala Consigliare)
  • Wednesday 01/12/2021 17.00 - Don Orione Training Centre - Str. Sarmato, 14 - 29011 Borgonovo Val Tidone PC

The meetings will be attended by:

  • Lecturers from the Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore of Piacenza, with Matteo Gatti as vine-growing reference person and Milena Lambri as oenology reference person;
  • Professor at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo Michele Fino;
  • Specialist agronomist Dr Roberto Miravalle;
  • Professional agronomist Dr Fabio Bernizzoni.

This will allow an open discussion of all agronomic, oenological and legal uncertainties, enabling informed choices to be made.