Colli Piacentini DOC, here life is sipped: on 18 March the event that enhances the excellence of our wine-growing area

March 15, 2022
June 10, 2024

There is great expectation for theevent organised by the Consorzio Tutela Vini DOC Colli Piacentini, scheduled for Friday 18 March at 6 p.m., on the charming terrace of the Grande Albergo Roma.

Colli Piacentini DOC, from us life is sipped is part of the project presented by the Consortium on Measure 3 of PSR 2014-2020 Emilia-Romagna Region, type of operation 3.2.01 "Promotion and information activities by groups of producers on domestic markets" and wants to be an opportunity to share the merits and authentic values of our territory.

"The aim is to give a voice to our wines, through an activity that aims to enhance their distinctive qualities and characteristics, their link with the territory and their versatility of use in the food and wine sector ". With these words the President of the Consorzio Tutela Vini DOC Colli Piacentini, Marco Profumo, introduces the event in which the DOC wines of Piacenza are the undisputed protagonists.

Experts in the sector will talk about and describe the products, accompanying and involving guests in an informative and experiential journey that will focus on the values of a unique territory traditionally dedicated to the production of excellence, including our wines with controlled denomination of origin since 1967.
But that's not all.

TheDOC Colli Piacentini Malvasia and the DOC Gutturnio will meet the creative proposals of Elena and Paco, chefs of the Piacenza gastronomic hub De Smart Kitchen.
The two new dishes proposed will have as illustrious ingredients Coppa Piacentina DOP and Pancetta Piacentina DOP and will be combined with the two DOC wines, enhancing their peculiar and distinctive characteristics.

"Promoting and supporting training and information events that focus on our wine production is an important investment that the Consortium has decided to make in recent years in order to give value to our territory," explains President Marco Profumo. explains President Marco Profumo "Our wine and food heritage has peaks of excellence that are recognised by European quality systems and of which we must be the spokesman and be deeply proud.

Great pride, therefore, the result of a conscious awareness of the wealth and values of our land, which has its roots in a long history of authentic traditions, from which our DOC wines originate, products of undisputed quality and the fruit of an indissoluble bond with the territory.

The event is reserved for the recipients of the invitation.