Colli Piacentini DOC wines star in the Farnese splendor dinner

February 8, 2024
June 10, 2024

As part of the event "Inverno Farnesiano," which offers a rich program of side eventsat the exhibition "I Fasti di Elisabetta Farnese. Portrait of a Queen," on Wednesday, March 6, in the Anticamera delTrono (Throne Room) of the Civic Museums of Palazzo Farnese, the Dinner of the Farnese splendors will be staged. Protagonists of the event will be the flavors of the territory to which will be matched the DOC wines of the Colli Piacentini in a marriage of taste with a strong identity value under the food and wine, historical and cultural profile.

"We arevery happy to participate with the typical wines of the Colli Piacentini in an evening with a unique charm, which will promote some of the excellence of our agri-food production in a context of extraordinary beauty," says thePresident of the Consortium Marco Profumo. "We are even more so because, as often happens in Piacenza, when beauty and goodness meet, they do so with special attention to their community. Ithas happened in the past and it will happen again on this occasion thanks to the decision to donate the proceeds of the evening to the association La Matita Parlante (The Talking Pencil), which every day enhances the talents of autistic children through social and occupational inclusion through books and culture."