New projects, for a new communication horizon

June 1, 2021
June 10, 2024

People have always talked about the Colli Piacentini, its natural wonders and its DOC wines. The question today is: do we talk about them in the best, most up-to-date and most useful way?

This question calls for a communication answer: because the perception of the Colli Piacentini by tourists is one of tradition, of the habits of a trip out of town. The time has come to plan new ways to tell the story of our territory. New ways, to open up new horizons.
For this reason, the Consorzio Tutela Vini Doc Colli Piacentini is investing in new projects for new horizons of communication. New projects that all members are invited to discover at the meeting organised on the Zoom platform on Tuesday 8 June at 5 pm.

L’incontro sarà da considerare come un <<Laboratorio partecipativo>>, in cui verrà data importanza alle attività che gli associati riterranno interessante destinare alla promozione e valorizzazione del territorio piacentino ed il suo vino Doc.

To participate in the meeting, please use the following LINK: