On Monday 6 June, the press conference presenting the event that brings the authentic experience of the Colli Piacentini to Palazzo Farnese.

June 6, 2022
June 10, 2024

Oh my DOC! We sip life was officially presented today at a press conference held in the Salone Pierluigi in Palazzo Farnese.

Doing thehonours was Culture Councillor Jonathan Papamarenghi, who emphasised the cultural value of the event that will animate the Courtyard of the Palace on Friday 10 and Saturday 11 June, organised by the Consorzio Tutela Vini DOC Colli Piacentini in collaboration with the Municipality of Piacenza and the Civic Museums of Palazzo Farnese.

The President of the Consorzio Tutela Vini DOC Colli Piacentini (Consortium for the Protection of Colli Piacentini DOC Wines) Marco Profumo, the Head of the Consortium's Communication Commission Patrizio Campana and the owner of SP Studio - the communication agency that oversees the Consortium - Patrizia Argenti, were present to get to the heart of the eagerly awaited event, which will recreate the authentic atmosphere of the Colli Piacentini within the historic setting of the Palazzo.

"We have a great heritage to tell and promote," explains the President of the Consortium Marco Profumo, "the quality of our products is real, we must create a culture of the territory, to give voice to the excellence that fully expresses its distinctive values.

Opening the event on Friday 10 June at 4 p.m. will be an important seminar that is part of the activities co-financed by the Emilia Romagna Region under the 2014-2020 RDP.

From A to DOC. The wine prospects of the Colli Piacentini will be an opportunity to reflect on the planning strategies to be implemented to bring value to the product, through mechanisms to promote the territory, exploiting its potential to the full.

A concrete moment of cultural exchange, training and information involving institutions and experts of national calibre.

From 5 p.m. on Friday and all day Saturday, the authentic life experiences of the Colli Piacentini will take centre stage .

"It will be a journey in full DOC style," explains the Consortium's Communications Manager Patrizio Campana, "the producers themselves - more than 20 wineries associated with the Consortium present at the event - through their products, will share with visitors the history, traditions and craftsmanship that characterises the area."

Good wine and traditional Piacenza dishes will meet art and music, also thanks to the valuable collaboration with the Giuseppe Nicolini Music Conservatory of Piacenza.

A space will also be dedicated to "The Myth of Malvasia the important transnational project for the promotion and valorisation of the vine, promoted by Gal del Ducato, Gal Parnonas and Gal dell'Istria Centrale, in which proposals of Malvasia from Piacenza, Parma, Greece, Istria and Karst - the places traversed by the long history of Malvasia - will be brought together, with their specific characteristics.

The aim of the event is "to make culture of the territory": for the occasion, the public of visitors will be able to access the Palace Museums at a symbolic and facilitated price.
And there is more: those who have purchased or will purchase a ticket for the Klimt exhibition will be guests at the event, so that all those who will be visiting the city can also enjoy the authentic experience of the Colli Piacentini, to complete the cultural experience in the area.

"Oh my DOC! is a three-day experience," concludes Sp Studio owner Patrizia Argenti, who oversees the Consortium's communication "the journey will in fact continue on Sunday 12 directly to the winerieswhere it will be possible to immerse oneself in the dominant notes of the territory, nature, air, tranquillity and sustainability. The valorisation of the territory has guided all communication, which, in the event, will find not only a point of arrival to crown the communication plan launched last year, but also the beginning of a new way of experiencing the territory and its precious resources".

Start your experience on collipiacentinidoc.co.uk