OH MY DOC! The Colli Piacentini conquer the public between authenticity and excellence

June 20, 2022
June 10, 2024

As announced, this was not just an event.

OH MY DOC! By us, life is sipped was a journey into the heart of the Colli Piacentini, which were able to tell their story through authentic life experiences and the profound values that distinguish them.

On 10 and 11 June, Palazzo Farnese was dressed in the dominant notes of the territory: 21 barriques arranged in the shape of a goblet - reproducing the new logo of the Consorzio Tutela Vini DOC Colli Piacentini (Consortium for the Protection of DOC Colli Piacentini Wines) - hosted the producers and their products of excellence and framed a long imperial table, conveying the profound sense of welcome and conviviality, the distinctive soul of the territory. And then there was wood, vine leaves, wildflowers, carved in barrels and wrought iron: every detail was an authentic expression of tradition and craftsmanship.

Promotion and valorisation of the territory were the guide for each of the proposed experiences and the driving theme of the important training event that opened on Friday 10 in the Ducal Chapel of the Palace.


'From A to DOC. The wine prospects of the Colli Piacentini - this was the title of the seminar co-financed by the Emilia Romagna Region - was a new opportunity to reconfirm the importance of working as a system, creating synergies that can bring value to the excellence of the territory, not only in the Piacenza area,' said Consortium President Marco Profumo , Consorzio Tutela Vini DOP Colli di Parma and Strada dei Vini e dei Sapori Colli Piacentini, the Round Table has gathered a new common will of intent between Parma and Piacenza, territories that are distinct but profoundly close in terms of the undisputed quality of their productions".

Gino Losi President of Gal del Ducato, Maurizio Dodi President of the Consorzio Tutela Vini DOP Colli di Parma and Elisabetta Virtuani President of Strada dei Vini e dei Sapori Colli Piacentini were present for the opening greetings.

Development Strategies for Product Enhancement - the topic discussed by the Director of the Research Centre on Retailing and Trade Marketing at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Prof. Daniele Fornari - met the experience of promoting wine production in Piedmont, thanks to the contribution of the Director of the Consorzio I Vini del Piemonte e Strada del Barolo e Grandi Vini di Langa Daniele Manzone.

In closing, Prof. Michele Antonio Fino shared a profound reflection on the revision of the specifications initiated last year, a subject particularly felt by producers.

Exceptional host of the seminar was Corriere della Sera editor-in-chief Luciano Ferraro , who had the pleasure of presenting, as a preview for the occasion, the new video of the Consorzio Tutela Vini DOC Colli Piacentini, as a tool for sharing the profound values underlying the new communication.

An inaugural toast in the courtyard of the Palazzo officially kicked off the event. Marco Profumo, President of the Consorzio Tutela Vini DOC Colli Piacentini (Consortium for the Protection of DOC Colli Piacentini Wines) thanked the many institutions present, sharing the common objective of giving voice to the quality of the products that characterise the territory.


On Friday evening and all day Saturday, the authentic wines of the 21 wineries present, the Malvasia wines of Piacenza, Parma, Greece, Istria and Karst of 'Il Mito della Malvasia' and the typical products of Piacenza's gastronomic tradition met to the sound of music on the notes of the piano that soared over the loggia and the flutes and clarinets played by the students of Piacenza's Giuseppe Nicolini Music Conservatory.

"We chose to accompany visitors on an itinerary that was not just about tasting products, but that would involve them in the authentic life experience of the Colli Piacentini ,' explains Marco Profumo. 'The collaboration with the Municipality of Piacenza and the Civic Museums of Palazzo Farnese has allowed us to create a culture of the territory, so that we can fully appreciate its peculiarities and thus give the right value to our products.

A not-to-be-expected thank you was addressed by the President to all the producers who participated in this three-day experience - which ended on Sunday 12 June directly in the cellars - and to all the Consortium representatives who contributed to the success of the event.

"The producers are the authentic soul of our territory," concludes President Profumo , "their daily investment in terms of commitment and resources is the engine that drives the policy of development in terms of values of the Colli Piacentini that we have launched and that we will pursue in the coming years. OH MY DOC is the starting point of a new way of understanding the territory. because by now it is clear... With us, life is sipped!".