RDP 2014 - 2020 Measure 3 - Operation 3.2.01

June 10, 2024
June 10, 2024

EAFRD Fund: RDP 2014-2020 - Measure 3 - Type of operation 3.2.01 "Promotion and information activities by producer groups on domestic markets" (Focus Area 3A).

Financial support granted by the European Union: € 69,583.92

Information on support received from the EAFRD:

P.S.R. Regione Emilia - Romagna 2014/2020 (REG. UE N. 1305/2013)
MEASURE 3 'Quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs' Type of operation 3.2.01 - 'Promotion and information activities by producer groups on domestic markets'.


This promotion and information action contributes to the achievement of the specific objectives of measure 3.2. In fact, one of its general objectives is to:

  • To improve the degree of knowledge of the merits of Union agricultural products and the high standards applicable to Union production methods;
  • Strengthen awareness and recognition of EU quality schemes;
  • To increase the market share of EU agricultural products and certain foodstuffs, paying particular attention to third country markets with the greatest growth potential.

The specific objectives of the action are:
  • Consolidation in target markets.
  • Increased perception of quality (products)
  • Repositioning of some of the versions of the reference DOCs (in particular the still wines both Gutturnio and Malvasia Colli Piacentini DOC).
  • Attracting new customers by increasing the perception and knowledge of the Colli Piacentini wine-growing area

The information and promotion activities planned for the project can be summarised as follows:

  • Technical and graphic design of promotional and advertising materials
  • Video production and recording
  • Development of websites and computer applications
  • Organisation of information seminars

Total eligible investment: € 99.405,60
Financial support: 69.583,92€.

For more information on EU co-financing through the EAFRD: