Reconnecting with nature

August 10, 2021
June 10, 2024

Natural therapy.

Have you ever noticed the beneficial effects of contact with nature? Taking a few moments to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, with its pressing commitments and fast-moving clock hands, immersed in crowded cities, where chaos and smog rule, is a real panacea.

Mind and body regenerate in contact with nature.
Nature is synonymous with well-being: science confirms this.

An increasing number of scientific studies attest to the positive effects of nature on our mental and physical health. Being in nature, taking a walk in the open air, a bike ride or a picnic in a meadow relieves the mind, instilling a deep sense of calm and serenity that helps us regain the right clarity, reactivates our cognitive functions, recharges us and increases creativity.

But do we really know all the benefits of being surrounded by nature?

The time we spend outdoors becomes a natural antidote to stress and brings us back into balance with ourselves.

Stress reduction, increased immunity, improved mood, analgesic and stress-relieving effects, lower blood pressure - these are just some of the many positive effects of contact with nature.

Reconnecting with nature is therefore the easiest and most natural way to take care of our bodies and minds and restore our inner and outer wellbeing, improving our quality of life.