Children and myopia: being outdoors reduces the risk of myopia

February 24, 2022
June 10, 2024

It is well known that contact with nature brings with it important benefits for body and soul.

Being outdoors is good for your health, at any age.

But when it comes to children, the good habit of spending time outdoors also has significant effects on the well-being of the eyes.

Studies and research on the subject have shown that spending time outside the home every day reduces the risk of myopia.

That's right, a vision defect that was always thought to have a purely hereditary nature would instead appear to be influenced by external factors as well.

Prolonged exposure to the numerous devices that are part of our daily lives - television, tablets, smartphones, computers, electronic games - has increased exponentially in recent years, also due to the pandemic situation, which has introduced distance learning, considerably reducing the time we can devote to outdoor activities.

Natural light plays a key role because it slows down the overgrowth of the eye, the cause of myopia. 

Furthermore, outdoors our eyesight requires focusing on distant points, compared to indoor activities, and this practice trains the eye by preventing visual impairment in children.

Large spaces, open air and natural light thus become important tools for prevention and for adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Raising awareness among parents and teachers to encourage opportunities for children to experience time outdoors, in contact with nature, is an important investment in the health of those who represent our future.