Castello di Luzzano di M. & G. Fugazza

Ziano Piacentino

The Cellar

The dual soul of Luzzano, a little bit Lombard and a little bit Emilian, with the vineyards that draw neat geometries of horizontal and vertical stripes all around the Castle, minimalist in winter and fat opulence in late summer, is captured in its emotional beauty as you reach the centre of the hill where the Castle and its village stand. To the west is the solemn view of the Oltrepò Pavese and to the east the enchantment of the Colli Piacentini. In virtual equilibrium on the boundary line that crosses it cutting it in half, Luzzano, at an altitude of 270 metres, offers a breathtaking landscape scenario, with the predominant sinuosities of the hilly horizon.

Experiences offered by

Castello di Luzzano di M. & G. Fugazza